How You Can Help

If you or your organization would like to join us providing critically needed medical supplies to the developing world, we would welcome the opportunity to work with you.

With our 24 years of experience and the multitude of contacts that we have developed, we are typically able to source your needed medical supplies, whether it be for an urban or rural clinic. The value of these medical supplies provided is immeasurable.

Some of the organizations we have worked with are:used-lost child

  • World Vision
  • Food For The Hungry
  • Red Cross
  • Word & Deed
  • LDS
  • United Armenian Fund

For donations of $1000 or more CMD will provide the donor with the exact inventory that the funds procured, what country they went to, and who is overseeing the distribution and administration of the medical goods.  We will also provide our "request for humanitarian aid" qualifying application.  Transparency and accountability has always been paramount to the way we operate. 

We are also always looking for new medical supplies that can be donated exclusively for distribution to the needy. 

So please don't hesitate to contact us if you think there is any opportunity in us partnering together on future medical shipments.


"Without the hemostat I found in one of the surgical kits you all sent I doubt this little boy would have survived " – missionary doctor in Burundi